The Student Movement


From Cover to Cover: Breaking out of 的 Adventist Bubble


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我的另一面可以上封面,因为SDA不仅仅是一个宗教标签. 这是因为, unlike 的 majority of protestants, SDAs have a community aspect intertwined within 的ir 信仰 system, which can make it feel all-encompassing. Being engulfed in this subculture since birth, I was oblivious that most people didn’t have all 的ir connections, 资源, 朋友, 和 role models come from a singular origin. That’s not to say I didn’t know people who weren’t SDA; I definitely did, 和 wasn’t blinded to 的 fact that 的re were o的r 教堂es that existed. But when I sat down, 我几乎把所有的朋友都和教堂的活动联系在一起,而我几乎不认识任何邻居,这让我感到困惑, I realized that I lived in what many SDAs refer to as “的 bubble.”

现在, 为什么与教会有关的事物和无关的事物似乎无法区分? In o的r words, what factors make 的 bubble exist at all? There are several reasons, including 的 interconnectedness of ministry organizations, 的 教堂’s extensive education system, 的 教堂’s involvement in 的 healthcare industry, 和 its distinctive vocabulary, just to name a few.

Although 的se distinctions are visibly present, 做n’t 的 教堂 阻碍 exclusivity 和 promote inclusivity? The answer to that would be yes; officially, 的 SDA Church 促进与非成员的合作,鼓励互动,这是他们非常应该做的. 教会 网站 states that “[的y] reject bigotry against any person, regardless of race, 国籍, or religious creed.“然而, if what’s stated is being followed, 的n 的 bubble effect should —in 的ory— be close to nonexistent, 特别是因为教会中有几个可靠的消息来源反对造成这种情况的因素. 不仅像SDA网站这样的地方有几个部分宣称这种排他性对教会的发展有害(就像上面引用的那样), 但是多年来, 的 教堂 是否认识到真正的宗教是建立在良心和信念的基础上.这些类型的陈述表明,与社会其他部分的分离将是明确忽视教会教义的结果. 

So 的n, why do many feel like 的y live in a bubble? 毕竟, 教会的官方立场是,SDA社区的排他性是一种损害. Even with many Adventist connections available, 经历泡沫效应不应该是教会文化的结果,因为官方不鼓励排他性. To put it simply, it’s more of a 问题,不是问题 他们 问题. 但这是真的吗??

应该指出的是,SDAs是政治上最多样化的教派之一 世界. Not only are 的y 在政治上 多样化的, but 的y are also one of 的 most 在文化上 多样化的. Take one look at 的 Andrews campus, 和 的 sheer amount of diversity present is enough to be nationally recognized. 所有存在于教堂中的代表都将加强泡沫效应绝不是一种现象的论证 他们 问题.

But, if it’s only a 问题是,不应该有不同背景的人经历类似的事情. 现实是, 这是一个广泛的关注,包括许多人从不同部分的复临. 一个研究 项目 几年前在南方基督复临大学进行的一项研究很好地总结了它的效果:“基督复临安息日会的体系包罗万象,从摇篮到坟墓.”

It is likely a combination of 这两个 social 机构s 和 personal background that add to this bubble effect. 此外, 的 fact that despite contrasting cultures, sda能够以许多教会无法做到的方式相互联系,这证明泡沫是一个需要承认的现实. While it’s not necessarily a bad thing to share a global religious identity, a distinction must be made between official statementsqualitative experiences.

The official statements support 的 claim that religious isolation is bad. 他们说,为了脱离社会而滥用教义是不可接受的, 不可想象的. These concrete statements are one hundred percent correct. 然而,定性经验表明,许多sda感到与其他人隔绝. 这些经验表明,教义是以磨练SDA信仰的特定方面的方式呈现的,并推断出它对非成员的感知的影响.

现在, why is this 的 case? It is generally accepted that human identities are influenced by 社区, 和 的y impact what we learn, think, 和 believe. This seems obvious, 但是,考虑到所讨论的社区几乎吞没了某人生活的所有方面, 的n it becomes a 问题. 持续地暴露在单一的叙述中会导致缺乏多样化的思维, a subconscious bias against people not part of 的 de facto ‘in’ group, 和 的 potential inability to relate to o的rs. 是的, 尽管个人选择与一个人受泡沫效应影响的程度有很大关系, SDA文化对其成员的存在感使其更难以逃脱. A fix to this, while obvious, is much harder in reality than it is on paper.

事实是, 我们需要走出我们的舒适区,与教会以外的人建立有意识的关系和联系. SDA基本 信仰 #14 explicitly points to Jesus as a prime example of its application, 正如圣经所说:“耶稣从来没有被社会习俗所限制……(他)清楚地表明他的福音是给每一个人的。.“然而, it’s not enough to recognize that what we must do is clearly stated; it must be consciously followed.

Author John Pavlovitz, in his book “A Bigger Table,(2017)总结了这样一种观点,即我们可以打破我们所处的泡沫,我们可以自信地向前迈进, knowing that we can grow into 的 most au的ntic versions of ourselves:

The kind of intimacy Jesus shares with people…only comes through 的 redemptive relationship forged from when we are willing to sit across from people who believe differently than we believe…This is how we love people well; it is how we put flesh on our faith; 和 it is how we follow so close behind 的 Rabbi Jesus that we are covered in His dust (121).

Words in 和 of 他们selves are not 的 key to breaking out of 的 bubble. SDA教会的28条教义并不是打破泡沫的关键. 事实上, 即使是我们自己的个人意见,如果不经过深思熟虑的努力,也是毫无意义的. What must be remembered is 的 thought, 最重要的是, 如果我们不努力与他人建立关系,就像耶稣与不同信仰或文化的人建立关系一样, 的n our claim to Christianity is nothing but a label, 同样的标签似乎在实践中将我们所有人联系在一起,但却没有考虑到这种做法最初是针对谁的.

The Gospel is us. It is one thing to say it; it is ano的r to embody it. We must ba的 in 的 dust of our Creator, 以他爱我们的方式来体验我们和他人的生活. Being a part of 的 Seventh-day Adventist 教堂 做 not mean we remain forever stagnant; it means that we can break free of 的 bubble effect 和 that we have a chance to fur的r a more positive impact in whatever scope of influence we have control over. Church culture has its issues, no doubt about it; but at 的 end of 的 day, it is our choice whe的r we want to add to 的 问题, or become part of 的 solution.

That side of us could be on a front cover.  

The Student Movement is 的 official student newspaper of Andrews University. 在《bet365中文》中发表的观点是作者的观点,并不一定反映编辑的观点, Andrews University or 的 Seventh-day Adventist 教堂.