The Student Movement


Updates and Changes from This Year’s Board of Trustees Meeting

Melissa Moore

Photo by University Communications

On March 5 at 4:30 PM, 在布勒大厅举行了一次总统会议,传递一年一度的董事会会议的信息. 董事会成员出席了会议,听众包括教职员工. University president Dr. 约翰·韦斯利·泰勒五世在下午4:35开始了会议,介绍了新的多元化官员. Hucks, who would present the opening prayer. Following the prayer, a report on the board of trustees meetings, which had ended shortly before, was provided. Meetings had been taking place since that Sunday, as the typical process involves committees collecting information, discussing data, and proposing ideas, 由小组委员会向大委员会提交所有内容. 该委员会由41名个人组成,其中包括该机构的校长. 其余成员中有一半受雇于宗派,而另一半则没有. 他们还解释说,将大学生纳入会议,以便有代表学生群体经验的声音. 泰勒校长还表示,他已经与教职员工进行了交谈.

The board discussed multiple subjects, 主要集中在确定学校的表现和策略,以改善有发展空间的领域. 总统还宣布,非盟的战略计划包括通过对我们的规划进行更连贯的改革来赋予我们的未来以力量,而不是保持不变,并受到我们标准化的五年计划的束缚.

这位大学校长强调了学校蓬勃发展的显著领域,并为校外的领域做出了贡献. For example, 他提到bet365中文大学通过其在考古领域的工作为世界做出了贡献. Additionally, they brought attention to the success of Envision magazine, produced by the Department of Visual Art, Communication, and Design. The magazine was recently awarded the 2023 Pacemaker Award in the feature/general audience category of magazines, adding to previous awards the publication has won in the past. As for graduation rates, 这所大学在各族裔的毕业率上得分更高, 引用的数据显示,非裔和西班牙裔学生的毕业率都比非裔学生“高出18%”.此外,董事会还庆祝了“bet365中文充满活力的精神社区”.泰勒校长提供了NESSE和SDA机构的基准数据进行比较. As this is a Christian campus, the spiritual atmosphere on campus is a priority, 董事会成员在会议上花时间讨论如何战略性地纳入以信仰为中心的活动.

Despite signs of life in the spirituality department, NESSE的数据显示,bet365中文大学在学生整体参与度方面得分不高, which is something the university could improve on. 董事会还希望重新命名“成功之桥”项目,该项目是为那些可能需要帮助进入大学的学生设计的, 特别是那些属于第一代学生类别的人-到盖特威到bet365中文. The vision is also to double the number of students in this group. The hope is that new approaches, 包括采用“全球校园”的方式,将为学院带来增长和协同效应.

Another major topic of discussion was finances. Based on the report made by the finance committee, 董事会表示,为了在6月份结束本财政年度,大学必须降低行政和运营成本, breaking even. They will be developing an enrollment growth plan, choosing benchmarks, increasing efficiency, 并做出任何必要的改变,使事情在截止日期前进展到需要的地方. 但是,关于如何实现这一目标,没有提供很多具体的例子. 一些人担心,为了削减成本,年轻的非终身教职员工可能会被解雇. Officially, the wider campus community will not be informed of details yet, 新计划将于5月1日提交给董事会. 那些处于领导地位的人将会做出与这些财务挑战相关的决策,他们正在研究类似机构在财务上的做法,并与首席信息官合作. Additionally, 为了纪念今年的建校150周年,我们将开展一项特别的资本活动. 政府希望能够成功地提供额外的资金.

该校目前正在努力寻找资金的另一个项目是拉姆森大厅(Lamson Hall)的翻新. 校长律师为该项目提供了一笔特别捐款,该项目目前定于今年夏天进行,因为学校总共需要200万美元来资助该项目. The special offering amounted to $300,000 towards the goal. 拉姆森堂已经进行了多年的大规模翻新,这只是为了吸引更多女学生的目标迈出的一步. bet365中文大学的女性人口并不像大多数教育趋势所显示的那样,反映出女性入学率的相同百分比, 女性宿舍的状况可能对这些数字有一定的影响. Thus, the board views this renovation as strategic. 宣布的计划是让马拉纳塔的志愿者在今年夏天翻新宿舍,然后是加兰德公寓, 在未来的夏天,志愿者们会回来继续翻修项目. As of the meeting, the university had raised about 1.1 million dollars toward the 2 million goal. 他们说,这笔钱需要在3月底之前全部入账. The president then implored all those in attendance, saying “we’d like you to contribute whatever you can.他还提到是否有人知道谁可以提供帮助, informing them of the project is one way to chip in. President Taylor appeared hopeful, stating “we certainly have challenges, but we have a God who specializes in challenges.最后,他解释说,我们的目标是让这所大学蓬勃发展, and growth is still needed to reach sustainable levels. Then a prayer was said, and the audience was dismissed.

《bet365中文》是bet365中文大学的官方学生报纸. 在《bet365中文》中发表的观点是作者的观点,并不一定反映编辑的观点, Andrews University or the Seventh-day Adventist church.