

The 领导 Department (LEAD) develops a 社区 of scholar-practitioners who transform the power of knowledge into 服务. Its core values include: 社区, 服务, 综合生活, 人类的尊严.

A scholar-practitioner integrates original empirical investigation with 服务-oriented leadership, striving for 职业al excellence grounded in theory and research. They form knowledge through experimentation and reflection, in the context of one's personal worldview and core values. A 社区 of scholar-practitioners builds on the contribution of all participants, 教师和学生. They learn from each other, cultivating a deep commitment to applying knowledge and reasearch into leadership practice. 像这样, our 社区 fosters an environment that values unity of action with diversity of thinking, inquiry and information with creativity, individuality and uniqueness with a profound sense of 社区 and society.


bet365中文大学 is a 基督复临安息日会 机构. As a Christian school, we encourage strong moral principles and a close relationship with God. We celebrate the diversity of faiths represented at Andrews and respect the differences of persuasion that are present. We believe in a holistic approach to life that balances mind, body, and spirit in such a way that students are fully prepared to serve the world when they finish their studies.



We understand that as we live our lives, the following core values are connected to one another: 社区, 服务, 综合生活, 人类的尊严. These are explained below, with particular behaviors described in an effort to capture the way the core values are lived out by participants in the 领导 program.


道德主体: Leaders recognize that 社区 is foundational to learning and change.

Leaders understand that human beings need to be in relationships with other. 因此, they encourage collaboration, 合作, and dialogue so that groups may accomplish common goals.

行为: Leaders/participants who accept this value will:

  • facilitate transformative group activities (processes)
  • engage in active diaglogue and learn from other people
  • share their knowledge, skills, and attitudes with other people
  • participate in 领导 and learning groups (LLGs) and the annual Roundtable Conference


伦理原则: Leaders help other people realize their unique purpose in life and help unleash their capacity to serve and lead.

Leaders meet the needs of others. They give time, knowledge, and skills to help other people.

行为: Leaders/participants who accept this value will:

  • give individual attention through email, telephone, video conference, 等.
  • facilitate mentor/mentee relationships
  • encourage individualized (unique) portrayals of the 领导 and Learning Plan (LLP), 投资组合, 合成纸, 最后的展示


伦理原则: Leaders recognize the importance of integrating life into a balanced whole.

Leaders pursue the harmonious development of the mental, 物理, 社会, and spiritual faculties in order to maximize human potential.

行为: Leaders/participants who accept this value will:

  • demonstrate growth in mental capacities of motivation, 浓度, 批判性思维能力, 分析, 和评估
  • set personal goals that promote healthy choices in nutrition, 锻炼, 休息, and sustainable workloads
  • build meaningful 社会 (interpersonal) relationship in order to establish a collaborative and supportive 社区 (home, 职业, 领导 and Learning Grou, 等.)
  • reflect on the spiritual dimension of life


道德原则: Leaders respect human dignity and safeguard the conditions for moral well-being

Leaders recognize the universal conditions of moral well-being: privacy, 自治, 社区, 和身份. Privacy is represented by the need for confidentiality and time for reflection. Autonomy is the need to make independent choices tht impact one's life. 社区 is the need to be a memeber of a group with a shared vision. Identity is the need to be unique and different from others. Leaders often make judgements and take actions whereby one or more aspects outweigh another, but they will acknowledge and explain the reasons for their choices.

行为: Leaders/participants who accept this value will:

  • 诚信互动
  • 持有信心
  • act only after discussion with those who are impacted by the decision
  • avoid discrimintation, affirm diversity
  • 包括所有参与者
  • 保持灵活性
  • provide nurture and support
  • avoid dismissive comments
  • provide safe feeling, openness, and acceptance
  • call on another when behaviors are violated