

铭记RBG第一部分:最高法院大法官的遗产, American Icon and Feminist Champion



Legacy of the Supreme Court Justice, American Icon and Feminist Champion

   大法官露丝·巴德·金斯伯格, a champion of women’s rights as an attorney and as the second woman to serve on the Supreme Court, 星期五去世, 9月18日,在与癌症抗争了十多年之后. 享年87岁. Justice Stephen Breyer wrote the following in her memory: “a great Justice; a woman of valour; a rock of righteousness; and my good, 好朋友. The world is a better place for her having lived in it” (Statements, 2020).
  Ginsburg attended the Harvard Law School in 1956 as one of only nine women in a 500-person class. The dean infamously began the year by asking her and the other women why each of them deserved to take the place of a man (Pullman, 2020). 在法学院的时候, her husband and classmate Marty Ginsburg was diagnosed with cancer and subjected to intense treatments of radiation. 在这段时间里,她照顾他的需要, 整理课堂笔记, 帮助他学习, 处理她自己的课程作业, 同时还要照顾他们三岁的孩子. 马蒂康复了,在纽约找到了工作. 她比他低一级, but she chose to move with him and graduated from Columbia Law School, 争取班级第一名(温室, 2020).
  Despite graduating top of her class, Ginsburg did not receive a single job offer from a law firm. She then spent a year in Sweden prior to becoming a professor at Rutgers University, where she taught some of the first classes in the nation on women and law (Honderich, 2020). As the women’s movement gained traction towards the end of the 60s, Ginsburg joined the American Civil Liberties Union and led its Women’s Rights Project. 有了这个平台, Ginsburg embarked on her career of changing the court’s opinions regarding gender bias and its effects on men and women. Ginsburg was quite strategic and precise in the cases she brought before the court, 正如她所知,她正在向一个由九名男子组成的法庭上诉. 事实上, 她的几个案件往往是代表男性, demonstrating that gender discrimination harmed both men and women. 例如,在一个这样的案例中, 温伯格v. Wiesenfeld, the Social Security Administration provided survivor benefits to women widowers but not to male widowers, so Stephen Wiesenfeld was left alone to care for his child after his wife died in childbirth. Ginsburg brought his case before the Supreme Court and demonstrated to the justices how the inequitable nature of these laws harmed both men and women. Ginsburg would go on to win five of the six cases she brought before the Supreme Court, establishing in law the constitution’s protection of gender equality (Savage, 2020).
  Ginsburg was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1993 by president Bill Clinton, 她在哪里继续为性别平等而斗争. 例如,在 美国诉. 维吉尼亚州, Ginsburg defended the right of women to attend the all-male 维吉尼亚州 Military Institute (V.M.I.),上面写着“寻找适合V型身材的女性.M.I.-quality education cannot be offered anything less under the state’s obligation to afford them genuinely equal protection, 对“女人的方式”进行概括,对大多数女性合适的着装进行了估计, no longer justify denying opportunity to women whose talent and capacity place them outside the average description” (Supreme, 1996). This powerful statement reiterated her belief in gender equality and helped further the advancement of women in the military.
  Her status as an American icon was not solidified until later in her career when she became famous for her stinging dissents as the Supreme Court drifted towards the right. In 2013, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of taking down significant portions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, 继谢尔比v. 夹(2013). The Voting Rights Act is a landmark piece of legislation that prohibits racial discrimination in voting, and the Court ruled that the provision determining which jurisdictions engaged in egregious voter discrimination was unconstitutional. 在回应, Ginsburg stated “Throwing out preclearance when it has worked and is continuing to work to stop discriminatory changes is like throwing away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you are not getting wet” (Coyle, 2020). This dissent and many others made the small and soft-spoken Ginsburg a household name and a titan of American equality. 
Her career as a champion of women's rights have made Ginsburg an icon and hero for the current generation. 泰瑞卡·威廉姆斯(大三, english) states “Her tenacity and strength will forever live on and push me to break through barriers where I’m told I don’t belong.“随着她的去世,最高法院失去了一位美国英雄. 然而, 这个国家几乎没有时间来哀悼, as her vacant seat has rapidly become a partisan issue during an election year, 这将在下周的“记住RBG第二部分”中讨论.”



Coyle, M. (2020年9月23日). 露丝·巴德·金斯伯格最具影响力的5条最高法院意见. 美国公共电视台. 来自:http://www.美国公共电视台.org/newshour/nation/5-of-ruth-bader-ginsburgs-most-powerf ul-supreme-court-opinions
温室,. (2020年9月23日). Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Supreme Court’s Feminist Icon, Is Dead at 87. 《bet365中文》. 检索自:http://www.《bet365中文》.com/2020/09/18/us/ruth-bader-ginsburg-dead.html
H·洪德里奇 & Lussenhop J. (2020年9月19日). 露丝·巴德·金斯伯格:最高法院大法官的讣告. 英国广播公司. 检索自:http://www.英国广播公司.com/news/world -美国-加拿大- 49488374
铂尔曼,年代. (n.d.)致敬:露丝·巴德·金斯伯格和WRP员工的遗产. 检索自:http://www.美国公民自由联盟.org/other/tribute-legacy-ruth-bader-ginsburg-and-wrp-staff
野蛮人,D. (2020年9月19日). Liberal Giant of the Supreme Court Who Became a Pop Cultural Icon. 洛杉矶时报,pp. A1, A6.
谢尔曼,M. (2020年9月19日). 最高法院大法官鲁斯·巴德·金斯伯格去世,享年87岁. APNews. 检索自:http://apnews.com/article/bf6704fa6e900967a705054c801a5495
Statements from the Supreme Court Regarding the Death of Associate 大法官露丝·巴德·金斯伯格. (2020年9月19日). 检索自:http://www.总理.gov / publicinfo /新闻/ pressreleases / pr_09-19-20
The Supreme Court: Excerpts from High Court’s Ruling Against the Male-Only Policy of V.M.(1996年6月27日). 《bet365中文》. 检索自:http://www.《bet365中文》.com/1996/06/27/us/supreme-court-excerpts-high-court-s-ruling-against-male-only-policy-vmi.html

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